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First Act Book 1 - Audio

1.ii Where are you (track 3)
1.iii Why... (track 4)
2.i Why did she do it (track 5)
2.ii Shes gone (track 6)
2.iii What really happened (track 7)
3.i The visitor (track 8)
3.ii You cant go out like that (track 9)
3.iii At the youth hostel (track 10)
4.i What does Uncle George like (track 11)
4.ii Take me home (track 12)
4.iii Her (track 13)
5.i It was enormous (track 14)
5.ii A day at the zoo (track 15)
5.iii A new friend (track 16)
Before your read (track 1)
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